Sunday 27 May 2012

ARM Based Tablet’s to have Only Metro Based Apps
Couple of days ago we reported about plans for ARM based Notebooks would go mainstream by the year 2013.Now to add to the list here’s one more developing story,this time around its for the ARM based Tablets. According to Mary Jo Foley from ZDNet , Microsoft would probably do away with the desktop apps as far as the ARM tablets are concerned and would only go with the Metro Based Apps.

Earlier in the Build Conference couple of months ago it was completely a different scenario altogether,ARM tablets in the conference were demonstrated featuring Desktop apps running on them,but now it seems that they are rethinking about their early plan of porting desktop apps on ARM tablets.

    If Microsoft does do away with the Desktop App on ARM, it also would mean — unless Microsoft also changes its strategy for x86/x64-based Windows 8 tablets — that Windows 8 will be different on different hardware. The Developer Preview Samsung tablets Microsoft gave to attendees of its Build conference include the Desktop app, which allows non-Metro, legacy apps to work on these machines.

If at all they do go with this idea,it would put some limitations on the usage of ARM based Tablets not running Desktop apps while the other counterparts with x86/x64 based tablets would run them will give a setback to ARM tablet makers.

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