Sunday 27 May 2012

New Version Of 3D Mark For Windows 8 Announced

There still is considerable amount of time for the official unveiling of Windows 8, but that hasn’t stopped Futuremark from revealing plans to offer a new version of its most well known product.

On Monday, Futuremark announced plans to release 3DMark for Windows 8. 3D mark is a benchmarking software product which is set to be  released in 2012.The development of 3DMark for Windows 8 benefits from the co-operation of many of the world’s leading technology companies. The Futuremark Benchmark Development Program (BDP) includes AMD, NVIDIA, Microsoft, Imagination Technologies, Dell, HP and other well known companies.
3DMark for Windows 8 (working title)

    Measures and compares gaming performance on all Windows 8 devices
    Stunning real-time scenes stress test all levels of hardware
    Supports both x86 and ARM-based architectures
    Can be used in both Metro UI and ‘classic’ Windows environments
    Created in co-operation with the world’s leading technology companies
    Currently in development, expected to be released in 2012

Typically, Futuremark offers a new version of 3DMark when there is also a new version of Microsoft’s DirectX graphics API available. Currently, game developers are working on tools based on DirectX 11. Microsoft usually releases a new version of DirectX around the launch of a new Windows OS. It offered up a DirectX 11.1 version for the Windows 8 developers preview build. However, Microsoft has yet to reveal any plans for DirectX 12 and if history is of any indication then we should shortly see the next version of DirectX pretty soon.

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