Sunday 27 May 2012

Windows 8 Bootkit

Microsoft is busy building what is by far the most secured Windows operating system ever.Windows 8 aims to secure the PC from malwares and other viruses infecting the system by introducing the Secure Boot feature.So with this security feature it will make any sorts of illegal activities of hacking into the system virtually impossible since it would require a digital authentication for any software to be added to the Windows 8 system making it almost impossible to hack.

But now Peter Kleissner a security analyst has created the first Windows 8 Bootkit which he is planning to release in MalCon International Conference in India.He recently was working on development of the Stoned Bootkit, a research project to subvert the Windows security model.In his previous work he has also released a bootloader for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2003,which were built to install directly on the Kernel of the Operating System to get the Full Privilege access on the system.

So far he has successfully started the Bootkit  from USB/CD and the  infector can now  bypass the  UAC on admin account. -> UAC (default setting) on 8 with admin account according to his latest twitter status update.Though he made it clear that he is not attacking the  UEFI or secure boot,currently working with the legacy BIOS only and that he have already sent the full source and the paper for the Bootkit to Microsoft along with his suggestions.Let’s hope his suggestions help microsoft to rectify the flaws to make the final version of Windows 8 foolproof.

The MalCon conference is scheduled for next week in Mumbai,but due to  some issues with the VISA  he might not be able to attend the conference and would probably take a remote presentation via a video.

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